We are pleased to announce our next guest speaker, Chris Pye, who will talk about Computational Fluid Dynamics.

Chris Pye was raised in Norfolk, UK and moved to Ottawa in 1993 with his wife Trish. He planned and had his new home built in Nova Scotia in 2015. Chris has three children all living in the Ottawa area.
Chris was active in Ottawa motorsports from 2010 to 2015 where he competed in TSD rallies as driver and navigator, sometimes using his grand-children as navigators. He was an active performance event co-driver during this period including the Targa Newfoundland in 2010. With Eric Vlasic in 2014 he was also the Rallysport Ontario Champion in Production 4wd. They won that championship in an elderly Subaru and also won the Classic Championship that year.
Chris has also mis-spent his time at track-days at Calabogie and Atlantic Motorsport Park and is currently Chief Marshall for Bluenose Autosport Club. He owns and drives a 1989 Porsche 944 while Trish has owned and driven a mean Mazda Miata.
With a background in Mechanical Engineering from University of Bristol in UK, most of his career was spent with Maya HTT in Montreal, Canada’s top mechanical simulation company.
Computational Fluid Dynamics. CFD is used by F1 and other top race teams to develop and tune the aerodynamics of their car. Chris will give a brief non-technical introduction to CFD with discussion of what F1 teams have experienced with this technology. Also, possible applications to grass roots motorsport will be discussed.
Anybody who enjoys F1 will especially appreciate this conversation with Chris.
Date: Tue Mar 2, 2021
Time: 8:00-9:00PM
Meeting invite with Zoom details: ICS