2018 Ottawa SportsCar Club
Annual General Meeting
Year End Banquet
Saturday October 27, 2018
Tifosi Lounge, St. Anthony’s Soccer Club
523 St Anthony Street Ottawa
Commencing at 6:30 PM, the Annual General Meeting of the Ottawa SportsCar Club will precede the Year End Awards Banquet. Members should attend this important annual business meeting of the club to hear year end reports, elect a new board of directors and conduct other business that properly comes before this meeting. There is no charge to attend this meeting. We hope most members will attend. If you are not able to attend, you can proxy your vote to another member: Proxy
The banquet portion of the evening’s festivities will begin at 7:00 PM. Tickets for the banquet are $30.00 per person for members and guests. Following a buffet dinner, we will be presenting year end awards to our deserving recipients and have one of our famous live auctions and door prize draws.
Tickets are available:
- The easiest way is by sending an e-transfer to tedlaura@storm.ca.
- If you prefer to send a cheque, please contact Laura at tedlaura@storm.ca for instructions and mailing address.
- By Paypal by sending an email to tsdale2@gmail.com and an invoice for the number of tickets desired will be sent to you.